Monday, December 5, 2011

Rosetta Stone and Career Ruminations

It took me over an hour to download the software, but I finally have Rosetta Stone.  I guess I'll start with level 1, even though I'm probably somewhere between levels 2 and 3, just to see what's on it. 

I looked up the deadline for application to the MA program in Translation Studies at Rutgers and it turns out it's January 3rd.  I'm not sure I could get everything together by then.  I think I could get the essays in Spanish and English done, but I'm not sure who to ask for recommendations or if I could get them in time to apply.  I had been thinking that maybe I could get a recommendation from the administration at my school, but I'm not sure that the timing's good on that. 

It will take me awhile to get through all five of the Rosetta Stone discs so maybe I should just start with that and then apply for the MA next year.

Today there was a PFT meeting and we found out that another $50,000 will be cut from the operating budget of the school.  So, they're either going to lay off a secretary and send one or two part time teachers to another school (or they will get cut, I'm not sure).  We will not have any supplies next year, which seems no different from this year.  I'm told it will be even more "bare bones" at the school.  It sounds like it will be a good time to leave come June.

I still want to work at a non-profit organization or even a government job (although those are getting increasingly cut it seems).  I care about the environment, animals, writing, human rights...but I'm not sure how to turn that into a job that I love.  I'm not sure what skills, certifications, educational credentials, etc. that I need to successfully enter a career that I love, or what that career would be.  I know that I do not want to work in education forever...or even beyond 1-3 years...and that's about it.  I'd really love to leave the field at the end of this year, but I'm not sure with the recession that it's even a possibility.  Probably not.

I know that what makes the most sense, financially, is to just stay at my job for the next 2-3 years, save money, and sell the house when the housing market improves.  But, I get so stressed out by work and I know that I am not best suited to the job.  I do not enjoy interacting with so many people (almost 900 a week) and I'm not very good at dealing with so many personalities.  I much prefer office work or research that I can complete independently or if I have to interact with people, on an individual basis.

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